
Get a range describing a symbol with specified name.

class SymbolDatabase


moduleStack S1

Module name stack (module name split by ".").

symbolStack S2

Symbol name stack (symbol name in the module split by ".").

Return Value

Type: auto

An InputRange describing the fully qualified symbol name. Every item of the range will be a struct describing a part of the name, with string name and SymbolType type members. E.g. for "std.stdio.File" the range items would be `{name: "std", type: Package}, {name: "stdio", type: Module}, {name: "File", type: Class}`.

Note: If the symbol does not exist, the returned range will only contain items for parent symbols that do exist (e.g. if moduleStack is ["std", "stdio"], symbolStack is ["noSuchThing"]), the symbolStack will describe the "std" package and "stdio" module, but will contain no entry for "noSuchThing".
